Dockerfile cheat sheet

Dockerfile cheat sheet

vi Dockerfile
# Can be used it in FROM, $<key> ARG <key>=<value> # Image to be used FROM <image> # Use it to add metadata such as maintainer LABEL <key>=<value> # For now on docker will be in that path WORDKDIR <containerpath> # It can be used below, $<key> to refer to <containerpath> ENV <key>=<containerpath> # Executed in a new layer on top of the image. Use backslash at the end to jump of line. RUN <command> # Unique or only last taken into account. To concatenate use semicolons. User can overwrite it CMD <command> # User can not overwrite it ENTRYPOINT <command> # In containerpath include the name to be copied COPY <localpath> <containerpath> # In containerpath do not include the name to be copied ADD <localzippath> <containerpath> # 1 something went wrong. use NONE to disable healthcheck inheritance. Unique or last HEALTHCHECK --interval=<sec>s --timeout=<sec>s --retries=<num> CMD <command> || exit 1 # By default SIGTERM, with SIGKILL it will be removed after docker stop <docker> STOPSIGNAL SIGKILL # It listens to that port EXPOSE <port>

It should specify at least one CDM or ENTRYPOINT command.

Build image from a Dockerfile

docker build -t <image> <path>

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