HashiCorp Vault Cheatsheet

HashiCorp Vault Cheatsheet



1. Introduction:

  • HashiCorp Vault is a tool designed to securely store and access secrets. It can manage sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and certificates.

2. Installation:

  • Installing Vault:
    • On macOS using Homebrew:

      brew install vault
    • On Linux:

      wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/1.9.0/vault_1.9.0_linux_amd64.zip unzip vault_1.9.0_linux_amd64.zip sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/
    • On Windows:

3. Basic Usage:

  • Initializing Vault:

    vault operator init
    • This command initializes the Vault server, generating unseal keys and a root token.
  • Unsealing Vault:

    vault operator unseal <unseal-key-1> vault operator unseal <unseal-key-2> vault operator unseal <unseal-key-3>
    • Unseal Vault using the keys provided during initialization.
  • Storing Secrets:

    vault kv put secret/my-secret password="mypassword"
    • This command stores a secret in Vault at the path secret/my-secret.
  • Retrieving Secrets:

    vault kv get secret/my-secret
    • Retrieves the secret stored at secret/my-secret.

4. Advanced Usage:

  • Dynamic Secrets:

    • Vault can generate secrets dynamically, such as database credentials that are created on-demand.

    • Example: Generating MySQL credentials:

      vault write database/roles/my-role db_name=mydb creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';" default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="24h" vault read database/creds/my-role
  • Secret Engines:

    • Vault supports multiple secret engines like KV, AWS, GCP, and more.

    • Enable a secrets engine:

      vault secrets enable aws
    • Configure and use the AWS secrets engine:

      vault write aws/config/root access_key=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY> secret_key=<AWS_SECRET_KEY> vault write aws/roles/my-role credential_type=iam_user policy_arns=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess

5. Authentication Methods:

  • Enabling Authentication Methods:

    • Vault supports various authentication methods, including AppRole, LDAP, and AWS.

    • Enable an authentication method:

      vault auth enable approle
  • Configuring AppRole Authentication:

    • Create a role:

      vault write auth/approle/role/my-role token_policies="default" token_ttl=1h token_max_ttl=4h
    • Retrieve the role ID and secret ID:

      vault read auth/approle/role/my-role/role-id vault write -f auth/approle/role/my-role/secret-id

6. Policies and Access Control:

  • Creating Policies:
    • Define a policy to control access to secrets:

      path "secret/data/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"] }
    • Apply the policy:

      vault policy write my-policy my-policy.hcl

7. Vault in Production:

  • High Availability (HA):

    • Vault supports HA configurations using storage backends like Consul.

    • Example Consul configuration:

      storage "consul" { address = "" path = "vault/" }
  • Performance Replication:

    • Vault Enterprise supports performance replication for scaling reads.

8. Integrations and Automation:

  • Terraform Integration:

    • Use the Terraform Vault provider to manage Vault resources.

    • Example Terraform configuration:

      provider "vault" {} resource "vault_generic_secret" "example" { path = "secret/example" data_json = <<EOT { "password": "mypassword" } EOT }
  • CI/CD Integration:

    • Integrate Vault with CI/CD pipelines to inject secrets dynamically into build processes.

9. Monitoring and Auditing:

  • Enabling Audit Devices:

    • Enable an audit device:

      vault audit enable file file_path=/var/log/vault_audit.log
  • Monitoring Vault:

    • Monitor Vault health and performance using tools like Prometheus and Grafana.

10. Troubleshooting Vault:

  • Common Issues:

    • Unseal Keys Lost: If unseal keys are lost, Vault data is irrecoverable unless backups are available.
    • Token Expiry: Ensure tokens used for authentication have appropriate TTL settings to avoid expiration during use.
  • Debugging:

    • Enable detailed logging by setting the VAULT_LOG_LEVEL environment variable:

      export VAULT_LOG_LEVEL=debug

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