Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet
Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet
Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that enables building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It is widely used for high-throughput, fault-tolerant messaging, as well as enabling stream processing. Kafka works on the concept of topics, producers, and consumers.
Key Concepts
Topic: A category or feed name to which records are published. Topics in Kafka are multi-subscriber.
Producer: An entity that publishes data to Kafka topics.
Consumer: An entity that subscribes to topics and processes the feed of published records.
Broker: A Kafka server that stores data and serves clients.
Cluster: A group of Kafka brokers.
Partition: A division of a topic for scalability and parallel processing. Topics can have multiple partitions.
Offset: A unique identifier of records within a partition.
Zookeeper: A service for coordinating and managing the Kafka brokers.
Basic Kafka Operations
Starting a Kafka Server
- Kafka requires Zookeeper for running. Start Zookeeper before starting the Kafka server.
Creating a Topic
- To create a topic, use the command:
kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper [ZOOKEEPER_HOST:PORT] --replication-factor [NUMBER] --partitions [NUMBER] --topic [TOPIC_NAME]
- To create a topic, use the command:
Listing Topics
- To list all topics in the Kafka server:
kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper [ZOOKEEPER_HOST:PORT]
- To list all topics in the Kafka server:
Producing Messages
- To send messages to a Kafka topic:
kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list [BROKER_LIST] --topic [TOPIC_NAME]
- To send messages to a Kafka topic:
Consuming Messages
- To read messages from a Kafka topic:
kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server [BROKER_LIST] --topic [TOPIC_NAME] --from-beginning
- To read messages from a Kafka topic:
Advanced Kafka Operations
Deleting a Topic
- To delete a topic:
kafka-topics.sh --delete --zookeeper [ZOOKEEPER_HOST:PORT] --topic [TOPIC_NAME]
- To delete a topic:
Modifying Topic Configuration
- To change the configuration of a topic:
kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper [ZOOKEEPER_HOST:PORT] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC_NAME] --alter --add-config [CONFIG_KEY]=[VALUE]
- To change the configuration of a topic:
Kafka Consumer Groups
- Consumers can be part of a consumer group for distributed processing:
kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server [BROKER_LIST] --topic [TOPIC_NAME] --group [GROUP_NAME]
- Consumers can be part of a consumer group for distributed processing:
Viewing Consumer Group Details
- To view details about a consumer group:
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server [BROKER_LIST] --describe --group [GROUP_NAME]
- To view details about a consumer group:
Kafka Streams
- Kafka Streams API allows building stream processing applications using Kafka.
Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect
- A tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems.
Running a Kafka Connect Connector
- Connectors can be configured and managed via REST APIs or configuration files.
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